Culture, Creativity and Health: Winter Gatherings 16-20 November 2020

A week of virtual events and webinars, 16 – 20 November 2020

Hosted by the Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance and Arts & Health South West. Regional events in the morning, national themed events in the afternoons. Our CHWA Awards ceremony on Friday lunchtime.

Monday 16 November

Morning Regional Events: North West and East

Afternoon: Equality, Diversity, Inclusion, Representation

  • 2:00 – 3:00pm Webinar: Exploring language in relation to arts, creativity, culture, health and wellbeing (£10) more details and tickets
  • 3:30 – 5:00pm Discussion: Exploring language in relation to arts, creativity, culture, health and wellbeing (£5) more details and tickets

Tuesday 17 November

Morning Regional Events: North East and London

Afternoon: Practitioner Support

Wednesday 18 November

Morning Regional Events: South East and East Midlands

Afternoon: Lived Experience


Thursday 19 November

Morning Regional Events: Yorks & Humber and West Midlands

Afternoon: Everyday Creativity

In partnership with Voluntary Arts:

collective embroidery, Necklace of Stars, a work in progress
Arts Derbyshire/arthur+martha: Necklace of Stars, work in progress

Friday 20 November

Morning Regional Events: South West

  • 10:00am – 1:00pm South West Regional Event and Arts & Health South West Annual Conference (£15) more details and tickets


Afternoon: AWARDS