
Reflective Practice Online Group Sessions - South East

Reflective Practice is a space to consider what's going well and what are the challenges in your arts and wellbeing practice. It can be a skills learning environment as well as a place to process the impact of the work using creative approaches.

Tickets are on sale now!

Making Change, CHWA national conference: 11-13 October 2023

Gather for a three day conference in Barnsley for conversations, creativity and community.

What now? What needs to happen at a personal, organisational, and political level to bring creativity and health together and cultivate change?

Tickets are on sale now!

Creative Health Quality Framework launch events, Sept-Oct 2023

The Creative Health Quality Framework will be launched between 20 September and 19 October 2023 through a series of online events and one face-to-face workshop at the CHWA conference.

multicoloured shape with some images of people dancing and making music embedded in it

Past events >>

Creativity & Wellbeing Week 2023

Creativity & Wellbeing Week is back for 2023. A partnership between London Arts and Health and the Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance and a great opportunity to share your work widely...

Creative Health Quality Framework Workshops (NovDec 2022)

CHWA is partnering with creative health organisations around the country to hold a series of workshops to develop a new quality framework for creative health. This includes regional workshops for practitioners and delivery organisations and sessions for funders, health and care and researchers partners.

CHWA Awards 2022 Gathering (online), Friday 25 November, 1-2pm

Gather with us for a moment of celebration, community and reflection as we announce the CHWA Awards 2022 winners live! We will be joined from shortlisted projects from across the country, award partners, panellists and special guests

Maintaining healthy boundaries when working with young people: 30 Nov 2022

Do you work directly with young people in a museum and want to find out how to create a safe and supportive environment for both participants and staff? Join this free partnership event from Kids in Museums and CHWA.

CHWA East: Partnerships & Co-Production - July 2022

The event will offer the opportunity to hear examples of best practice as well as discuss the ethics, challenges and opportunities of co-production and partnership working with colleagues working across the region in Creative Health.

Speakers include: Take NoteIpswich Museum and Job Centre, and The Lived Experience Network

Image Credit: Photography by Anita Staff for Creative Arts East - Our Day Out ( Creative Arts East) was 'Highly Commended' for the Collective Power CHWA Awards 2020.

Webinar: Helping you apply to The National Lottery Heritage Fund, Wednesday 13 July, 2-4pm (West Midlands Focus)

CHWA West Midlands, in collaboration with The National Lottery Heritage Fund, are hosting a  free webinar for groups or organisations based in the West Midlands who are interested in applying to the National Lottery Grants for Heritage Programme  and want to find out more about how to fulfil the wellbeing outcome, with special guest Kiz Manley (Hip Hop Heals and The LENs)

Creative Network - Wellbeing (June 2022)

A monthly partnership event with Creative Lives. Upcoming events on 30 May and 27 June 2022.

Accelerating Impact Resource Launch (May 2022)

We will be launching the resource with a conversation featuring Farah Ahmed (Julie's Bicycle), Anna Woolf (LAAH), Alex Coulter (AHSW), Laura Waters (Air Arts) and Guy Noble (UCLHArts), before space for attendees to discuss the how this might support their own work.

Creativity & Wellbeing Week, 16-22 May 2022

CHWA is partnering with London Arts and Health to support Creativity & Wellbeing Week 2022 around the country. The festival will feature a mix of in-person and online events.

Green up your digital work with Fast Familiar and Julie's Bicycle! (May 2022)

Becky Hazlewood from Julie’s Bicycle will describe the context and importance of considering digital climate impacts. Dan Barnard from Fast Familiar will then guide you through a brand new tool they have produced to help you understand and manage the carbon footprint of your digital work, before breakout discussions to help you consider how this might relate to and impact your own work.

Linkworker Manifesto Launch! (20th May 2022)

During this national launch of the Manifesto, we will hear from some of the Link Workers involved, alongside Deborah Munt from Arts Derbyshire who devised Cultural Prescriptions, and from Public Health in Derbyshire County Council, who commissioned the work. A panel of invited guests, representing health and culture, will then give their responses to the Manifesto, including Dr Marie Polley (Co-Founder and Co-Chair of the Social Prescribing Network) and Richard Ings (London area lead on arts in health, wellbeing and criminal justice, Arts Council England)

CHWA Awards 2022 Launch Event (May 2022)

Gather with CHWA award partners and special guests to launch the CHWA Awards 2022 programme, which is designed to amplify the innovative, collaborative and generous work of the culture, health and wellbeing sector.

Creative Network - Wellbeing (June 2022)

Free, monthly themed workshops in partnership with Creative Lives. Previous workshops have focused on social prescribing, boundary-setting and practitioner support.

Practising Well Conversation Series with Nicola Naismith: Feb-March 2022

Nicola Naismith’s Practising Well research explores working conditions for creative practitioners. In this series Nicola will discuss her research and different approaches to supporting creative practitioners with Alex Evans (Kazzum Arts), Integrative Art Therapist Roshmi Lovatt, Tracy Breathnach (How Ya Doing? Programme Manager, Wales Arts, Health & Wellbeing Network), artist and activist Alistair Gentry, artist Daniel Regan (Arts + Health Hub), artist Arji Manuelpillai, and Chris Stenton (People Dancing).

Culture, Health and Wellbeing International Digital Conference 21-23 June 2021

Conference themes are Inequality; Power; and Sustainability

APPG: How the arts, culture and creativity can help people who come into contact with mental health services (May 2022)

How can the arts, culture and creativity contribute to better experiences for people who come into contact with mental health services, and support the recommended changes to the Mental Health Act 1983?

Chaired by Ben Spencer MP, Co-Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing. You can watch the full webinar here.

Plymouth Music Zone team day
Plymouth Music Zone, photo credit Dom Moore 2019.

CHWA 2021 Awards Ceremony: Friday 23 April, 2.30-3.30pm

Celebrate the shortlist and winners of the CHWA 2021 Awards, co-hosted by our award judges and partners with special guests.

You can watch the full ceremony here, along with some great music from Key Changes.

A Culture of Care: Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance national conference 21-23 April 2021

Our national conference was held online from 21-23 April 2021, ending with the celebratory CHWA 2021 Awards Gathering.

We delved into conversations about the big topics that have been amplified by Covid-19, including practitioner support and grappling with the sector’s role in challenging health inequalities, reflecting on how we can work more collaboratively and more intersectionally to address the multiple emergencies we face; a global health pandemic, the climate and ecological emergency, and rising inequality.

Creativity & Wellbeing Week: 17 to 24 May 2021

London Arts and Health and the Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance will be partnering for the third year to host this national festival.

Arrange an event for the week, join us for some curated events, or tell us about yourselves and your work on the Creativity & Wellbeing Week 2021 website.

Our theme is Care.

Creative Crunch with Age of Creativity: October 2020

Do you remember, in the olden days, when we went to conferences and randomly met the most interesting people over lunch? We miss that kind of networking- and from the sounds of it, you do too. The Age of Creativity and Culture Health and Wellbeing Alliance have teamed up to run a series of weekly, lunchtime ‘creative crunch’ sessions throughout October, starting on the 1st.

Winter Gatherings: 16-21 November 2020

A weeklong selection of virtual regional events and webinars, 16–20 November 2020 hosted by the Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance and Arts & Health South West. Regional events in the morning will be followed by national events each afternoon, including discussions focused on equality, representation and inclusion; practitioner support; lived experience; and everyday creativity.

Creativity & Wellbeing Week 2020! 18-22 May

Together with our partners London Arts in Health Forum, we are delighted to confirm that Creativity & Wellbeing Week will be a virtual event from 18-24 May 2020. We are re-imagining the Week, but keeping its core identity as a festival celebrating the groundbreaking work happening around the country bringing together culture, creativity, health and wellbeing. Our theme remains Positive Futures.

A picture of a Parkinson's dance class, led by Pavillion Dance South West
Parkinson's dance class, Pavillion Dance South West

Arts & Health South West annual conference 31 Oct-1 Nov 2019

'Creativity at the Heart of Human Flourishing' will be held at Ocean Studios, Plymouth.

Day 1 will focus on developing a collaborative regional strategy for arts and health; day 2 is being run in partnership with Public Health England South West and will focus on Loneliness and Mental Health. Please find further information here

The Art of Wellbeing: 14 June 2019, Burnley, Lancashire

A symposium exploring the relationship between meaningful arts engagement and individual and community wellbeing

Hosted by Creative People and Places network and Super Slow Way in partnership with the Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance

Where: University of Central Lancashire, Burnley Campus, 14 June 2019, 10:00 – 16:30

Artists Practising Well: Support for creative and cultural practitioners working with health and wellbeing

This half-day discussion will focus on the results of research conducted by Nicola Naismith. Nicola will present her initial findings before a broader discussion and workshop to explore how we can improve support and make creative and cultural practice in relation to health and wellbeing sustainable and beneficial to facilitators as well as participants.

#CHWAdeclares twitter chat

The Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance held its first Twitter Chat on 27 September (12:30-13:30) to discuss our draft emergency declaration, and to work with you to find our how we can contribute to changing the direction of climate change and environmental degradation.

Mirror Image - An Opportunity for Cultural Practitioners to Reflect on Wellbeing

Thursday October 3, 1.30-4.30pm.
Midlands Arts Centre, Cannon Hill Park, Birmingham, B12 9QH

Cultures of Health and Wellbeing

The Alliance‘s first annual conference was held at Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums in Newcastle on the 21st and 22nd March 2019.

Creativity and Wellbeing Week

Creativity & Wellbeing Week is a collaboration between London Arts in Health Forum and the Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance and a national initiative that asks how the arts and culture can contribute to everyone's wellbeing. It will run 10-16 June 2019 across the UK.

This is where you will find events run by or in partnership with the Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance. For other events, please check our twitter feed.

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