What have you been doing today?
The day began with replying to emails and planning my to-do list for the various projects I’m working on. I’m currently a co-producer on a Theatre production, a producer for an upcoming short film, a researcher on a short documentary and an event collaborator & assistant to the wonderful team for the upcoming CHWA conference. So, I’ve made sure to spread out my list for the week and put measures in place to avoid burnout.
Is that a typical day for you?
Sometimes. Most-times. As a creative freelancer and a part-time English teacher, my projects normally vary month to month. However, I try my best to always start my day by meditating on scriptures from my bible, to get my mind in the right state. I also love to start my days with a stretch, and a walk around the neighbourhood. I love walking. I’m a trained Actress, and sometimes my Agent pops up with auditions I need to submit ASAP, so I also need to prioritise acting opportunities when they come up!
When did you start working with culture, health and wellbeing, and how?
Before living my current reality of creative work and aspirations, I had a scientific background, as I was en route to becoming a doctor, and my motto for my life was “I want to live a life of helping people”. However, I found more fulfilment in approaching this life motto from a creative & arts centred approach. In the past 4 years, I have journeyed on living out this motto, by writing & directing theatre productions that use storytelling to highlight Sexual Harassment issues, worked with organisations such as FORWARD in carrying out social action projects to facilitate workshops for young women aged 18-25, in understanding their digital rights when it comes to harassment online, created video & film based content for Siloam:256 a charity based in Uganda who works towards creating job opportunities for the deaf community, alongside other things.
What was the last project you came across that inspired you?
I really want to work on more projects that tackle issues pertaining to homelessness, and I came across an amazing organisation called ‘Sleep Pod’. They are an emergency aid one-person shelter, which is insulted, rain resistant, and lightweight, amongst other things. What’s amazing is, they have locations throughout London and I think the UK, where people can volunteer to help build & distribute the shelters, on a weekend. They currently did a campaign with a Jazz Festival organisation which I am a fan of called ‘We Out Here Festival’, where they hosted a digital show, in order to raise money for ‘Sleep Pod’.
Tobore Sonia Dafiaga is an Actress, Writer & Director, who is passionate about using the Arts as a force for change in society, to create spaces where people can challenge their mindsets, as well as using the Arts to foster community engagement & wellbeing. She is also a freelance Content Creator & Producer and works on various projects that focus on creating an impactful experience for audience members. Her latest project is in collaboration with the Hackney Historic Buildings Trust, in creating a digital exhibition that features her experimental short film ‘Hope And Her Two Daughters’, which uses dance and poetry to tackle the question ‘What Next’ in light of the racial unrest of 2020 and beyond.
ExhibItion link: https://salon.io/hope-and-her-two-daughters
Website: https://soniadafiaga.myportfolio.com/
Insta: @sonia_dafiaga