The Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance is joining forces with the Network for Arts, Heritage and Design in Hospitals, Arts & Health South West, and London Arts & Health to be on the new Julie's Bicyle Accelerator programme, "developing innovative ideas around sustainable practice".
We have three areas of focus:
- Hospital-based collaboration: We would like to make the most of our cross-sectoral position to support innovative practice in acute care, by working with the new Network for Arts, Design & Heritage in Hospitals.
- Travelling ideas, not people: We are interested in reducing organisations/individuals’ travel footprint whilst sustaining our focus on addressing social isolation, and maintaining our international outlook.
- Caring economies: Lastly, we would like to support the spread and development of new economic models through our network of organisations and individuals (skill-sharing/community interest partnerships/worker co-ops etc.).
The Arts Council's annual environment report, Sustaining Great Art and Culture 2018/19 highlights case studies from the first cohort, including the following:
The London Theatre Consortium (LTC) is developing a roadmap for achieving a 60% carbon reduction by 2025 in line with London targets, alongside continued development of the role that LTC theatres can play in tackling wider environmental issues. With support from Julie’s Bicycle through the Accelerator Programme, LTC has begun to explore pathways to achieving its target and develop collaboration with the Greater London Authority’s Culture and Environment teams. (read more here)
More broadly the key findings from the report as as follows:
Organisations are making sustainable energy choices – 54% have installed energy efficient lighting and controls and 32% of purchased electricity is on a green tariff contract.
A new, creative ecology is emerging – 47% are trailing sustainable production or exhibition methods and 30% are with banks that invest in social and environmental projects
Sustainability is powering creative expression – 50% developed new creative or artistic opportunities as a result of environmental initiatives and 49% have produced, programmed or curated work on environmental themes.
Business communication is changing – 70% actively promote virtual communications technology as an alternative to travelling