Birth Shock!
Birth Shock: Innovative and Creative Engagements with New Non-Academic Audiences & Professional Communities to Stimulate Pathways to Impact
Free training using films from The Birth Project
“Before watching the video, I saw childbirth in a medical manner, thinking only about the physiology and anatomy behind it all, after clinical exposure and watching the video, I see how it’s very much a big part of life and affects people every day in the biggest way”. (Second year medical student, King’s College London following a viewing of Mothers Make Art in a pilot film screening).
Interested in a film screening for your students?
The Birth Project uses the arts to explore the impact of birth, not only on new mothers but on obstetricians, midwives, doulas and birth-partners. The team at Derby University have funding to offer free training sessions/accompanied film viewings which can be tailored for different audiences, such as:
- Trainee doctors & doctors
- Trainee midwives & midwives
- Trainee health visitors & health visitors
- Obstetricians
- Therapists and trainee therapists
- Arts & Health Practitioners
- Art Therapists
- Psychiatrists
- Ante-natal nurses
Please contact project researcher Dr Sarah Jane Phelan to discuss your training or CPD requirements: [email protected]
"The initiative stems from a recently completed project on the experience of birth, the trauma that can follow it, and the role of the arts and creative practices in helping express and, ultimately, mitigate negative consequences.
The Birth Project focused on mothers and empowered them to articulate their own experiences. In addition, it has also helped emphasise the impact of the birthing process on all those related to it: partners, midwives and health professionals. As a result, we have managed to elucidate the complex discourses surrounding birth and trauma from a multiplicity of perspectives.
Furthermore, we managed to capture these voices, through filming workshops, to make a lasting statement about the reality of birth, using the power of the art and personal testimony of those filmed. We intend to use these films as an educational resource..."
This is an Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) supported follow-on funding grant for impact & engagement. Birth Shock: An Application to Support Innovative and Creative Engagements with New Non-Academic Audiences & User Communities to Stimulate Pathways to Impact (Grant reference: AH/V000926/1) awarded to Professor Susan Hogan.