Victoria Ryves, Programme Manager for Heritage Doncaster, reports on the History, Health and Happiness Impact Report 2020/21
History, Health and Happiness is Heritage Doncaster’s outreach and wellbeing programme. Launched in 2018, we aim to tackle isolation and improve wellbeing in localities in Doncaster. We use history and storytelling to empower people to feel good about themselves and where they live.
The report includes an overview of what we got up to in 2020/21, case studies from those who have taken part in our sessions, and shares the impact of our work.
2020 was a year that none of us will forget, and a year that we were all challenged with isolation, and disconnection. It was also a year that we had to adapt and do things differently. In 2020/21 we carried on providing opportunities for people to connect, both online and offline. We launched digital social clubs, and also distributed over 6500 activity packs to isolated adults and families. We know that our activities made a difference to the lives of people across the borough, with those who participated in our digital clubs having a 20% increase in interest in other things- a marker of improved mental health. Our work has also been recognised nationally with two nominations at the Museums + Heritage Awards. Below is an infographic that shares a snapshot of the year.