CHWA's Regional Champions

CHWA Gather In event at The Herbert Art Gallery & Museum. Image by: Jenny Harper
Image: Jenny Harper

We are people powered.

CHWA is supported by Regional Champions around England. (To find networks for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland please scroll down on this page.) As we are faced with more and more global challenges, from health inequalities to climate change, the role of regional and local activity is increasingly vital.

The Regional Champions work to connect the dots, bringing people together, sharing knowledge and growing collaborations and partnerships across the region and communities of practice. They also act as a conduit, sharing information between grassroots practice and national policy, helping CHWA to remain rooted and responsive to the needs of people on the ground doing this work.

To find out more about what's been happening in your region, please head to the regional pages, here.

Please note, this role is voluntary and the normal term is 2-3 years.

It is a priority for CHWA to raise investment to support these vital roles and to develop regional infrastructure for the sector.

We are also in the process of democratising the process of becoming a regional champion as part of our roadmap to being a more equal alliance. Regional Champion opportunities will be posted in the CHWA Bulletins and Regional Mail-outs. To make sure you receive these updates, join the alliance here.

Current Regional Champions can claim travel expenses for attendance to meetings. Please fill out an expenses form and email to